This is how you fill bottles of love:
1. SAVE all single or multiple-use flexible plastic packaging: bags, packages of noodles, rice, cookies, snacks, candy wrappers.
2. LOOK for a plastic bottle of any type, size, color: softener, detergent, cooking oil, juices, yogurt, water, soda, among others.
3. PUT the plastic wraps into the bottle and press down with the help of a stick.
4. TAKE the full bottle to the nearest collection center.

This is how we build HAPPINESS
The raw material resulting from the plastic transformed by the foundation is exchanged with the plastic wood companies, to be used in the manufacture
of RPL (Recycled Plastic Lumber).
With the RPL that returns from the industry and the support of private companies, educational institutions and entities, we build social works to improve the quality of life
of vulnerable people and communities.